Attention Oklahoma Vineyard Owners
You can voluntarily list your Oklahoma vineyard to identify it's location with the Oklahoma Department of Ag Food Forestry. Click here for more information and printable form (PDF)
This is a seldom discussed but important subject especially to those who have lost several hundred or several thousand dollars worth of grapes to spray damage, it is critical to protect your grapevine investment in every way you can. What good is it to protect your grapes from deer, just to have them destroyed by 2,4-D?
In many states, there are now restrictions on the use of 2,4-D in the grape growing regions. The immediate symptom of 2,4-D damage in your vineyard is the wilting of the shoot tips. Leaf symptoms are visible as cupping upward on grape leaves that were partially formed when the application took place. Wine grapes contaminated at bloom usually develop smaller fruit and with increased dose will develop tiny grapes that stay green but do not fall, and/or a lot of fruit may fall off so you end up with only a few grapes.
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