
Automatically Updated Oklahoma Wineries List For Any Web Page

Changes in the Oklahoma Wine News Winery Links List

If you visit the site regularly, rather than taking the feed through a newsfeed reader or via email, you may have noticed a change in the look of our Oklahoma Winery Links List. What I have done is set it up as a list of del.icio.us bookmarks, which the good folks at BigBold.com make easily displayable on anybody's website with just a single line of code!

This helps me out by allowing me to maintain only one list even though the content is displayed on other websites in other domains. Such as on my Oklahoma Canoeing and Kayaking website.

If you are interested in adding this free website content to your webpage, just grab the code from the blog website or drop me an email!

RSS Digest: Show and syndicate RSS and news feed on your Web page with no programming

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