
New Grapevines for Oklahoma Vineyards

According to OGGWMA, in January 2004 there were more than 107,000 producing grape vines in the state. That's great news for Oklahoma wineries!

Rinda Skaggs, education coordinator for the Oklahoma Grape Growers and Wine Makers Association, says in a recent article that the current vines in the state are approaching, if not already surpassing, $1 million of product each year.

...and more are on the way:

Oklahoma vineyard operators are eagerly anticipating the delivery of 21,000 baby grapevines in the next several weeks, which will be distributed statewide through the 50-member co-op, industry spokeswoman Rinda Skaggs said.

Read the full article here: Oklahoma vineyard operators await infusion of new grapevines

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